Hit a big milestone today! We released the first beta of ThinkUp , the PHP/MySQL webapp that archives your social media interactions in a database you control. Download it here. Following eight alpha releases over the past eight months, I'm so proud that the ThinkUp community and the software product itself has reached beta. The beta represents hundreds of commits by over 20 thoughtful developers scattered across the globe, and countless conversations on the mailing list , in Wave , on Skype, IM, and on GitHub . It's amazing how far ThinkUp's come since its early days as a solo weekend project . This release includes an easy, three-step installer, multi-user and account support, full search and export of you and your friends' posts (something even Twitter doesn't offer for those of us over the 3,200 tweet limit ), the beginnings of Facebook integration, and neat data visualizations courtesy of Google Maps and the Google Charts API. Here's a quick screenshot tour what what we've been working on in ThinkUp, and how you can get involved with the project